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Softball Programs

Player Age Division Description Spring 2025 Fees
4-5 T-Ball Introduces players to the game of softball. Players will learn, develop, and practice fundamental softball skills in a positive environment that reinforces sportsmanship and teaches the value of teamwork. Include the basics of hitting from a tee, running the bases, throwing, fielding, and learning field positions. $120
6-7 Coach Pitch Builds and refines fundamentals of softball while building confidence. Players in this division begin to understand game strategy. The game is played on a 60-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 35 feet. A 11-inch softball is used in this division. $125
8-10 Minors Players will face live pitching. Players will expand from the softball basics to a more competitive and skilled league, emphasizing proper hitting techniques, base running, pitching, and fielding situations. Players will continue to refine their fundamental skills while understanding the games strategies and team experiences. The game is played on a standard 60-foot diamond, using an 11-inch softball, with a 35-foot pitching distance. $140
11-12 Majors Played using official softball rules but implements some special rules as necessary for the development and welfare of all players. The game is played on a 60-foot diamond with a 12-inch softball at a pitching distance of 40 feet. $140
13-18 Seniors Played on a 60-foot diamond with a 12-inch softball at a pitching distance of 43 feet. This divisions season runs later than the rest of the league to give players the opportunity to participate on their high school team. $140

2025 Softball Age Chart

League age is determined by player age as of December 31, 2024.

Any player who, by the birth chart is younger than 4 years of age, or who is older than 18 years of age (born in or before 2005) is not eligible to participate in Babe Ruth Softball for the 2025 season.

Registration Fee

The registration fee covers the team uniform, insurance, field usage and equipment. The registration fee for the 10U and older divisions also covers umpire fees.

Practice and Game Locations

CCYL utilizes parks and school fields throughout Charles County.

Practice and game locations vary depending on the division and number of teams each season. We receive field allocations from the Charles County Recreation and Parks Department. We cannot make practice and game schedules until we receive our allocations, which is usually 2 weeks prior.


All players are required to provide a fielding glove. All other equipment is optional, but we recommend cleats and protective equipment, such as a fielding mask. Depending on the divisions, CCYL will provide each team with an equipment bag containing a tee, bat, catcher’s gear, fielding mask, and batting helmet. These items will be shared by the entire team. 

Team Formation

In the T-Ball and Coach Pitch divisions, teams are formed based on geography, however, we try our best to accommodate requests.  The Minor, Major and Senior divisions are formed using a draft process. Special requests can only be accommodated on a case by case basis.

Teams are formed following the close of registration and completion of the draft process. After all players have been placed on a team, you will be contacted by the team manager.

player evaluations

Players in the Minor, Major, and Senior divisions are evaluated to create teams of equal skills and abilities. Team managers and assistant coaches will rate players on fielding, throwing, hitting, and pitching and catching.

Evaluations take place following the close of registration.

draft process

CCYL uses a draft process in the spring season for the Minor, Major and Senior divisions to make teams as equal as possible. Players who are returning to the same division will be placed on their team from last spring. Players who are new to a division will attend player evaluations and be entered into the draft.


If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your division's commissioner.

Somer Smith